
At the south east of Djanet, there is the Tadrart

It's one of the most fantastic country of the Sahara. Its landscapes will make you descover an enormous labirynt where canyons, pics, downs, and sound stone castles are mixed up, preeminently place ofrupestral art. On the walls and the ceilings of the shelters or on the flags and the floor, prehistorical men have shown their word engraing and painting with red ockre at the beginning of the XIIIe millenary before Christ.
Nos Treks

Erg and oasis - seven...
­Day 1 : Welcome at the Djanet airport. Departure dby 4x4 to...
Tadrat Excursion - 15...
­Day 1: Welcome at Djanet airport. Departure by 4x4 to the bivouac...
Departure from the...
­­Day 1 : Bivouack close to Tegharghart, to "the crying...
Staying in Djanet with...
You wish to meet touaregs nearer... You will be lodged, and share...